The objective of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) laboratory is to lead of using RFID technology developing latterly and to present this technology. Large companies such as Kale Group, Siemens and Oracle supported to construct this laboratory. For more information you can visit http://www.rfid.itu.edu.tr address.
Equipments of the laboratory are below:
4 Siemens desktop
3 Siemens UHF reader and 10 antenna
1 Intermec UHF reader and 1 antenna
- 1active UDEA RFID reader and 2 antenna
- 1 UAS HF gate and entrance system
- 1 conveyor with speed control
- 1 Siemens server
- 1 Unitech hand-held reader
- 1 Paxar RFID printer
- Oracle e-Business ERP software
- Dash Optimization software
- Active and passive tags