Engineering Management (MHY) Master's Program - Interview List (International Students)

by Murat Durucu | Jul 01, 2024
Interviews will be held online in Zoom. Zoom link is given below: Topic: Engineering Management (MHY) Master's Program Interviews (International Students) Time: Jun 21, 2023 11:30 Istanbul Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 956 3097 9605 Passcode: 133173
Interviews will be held online in Zoom. Zoom link is given below:

Topic: 2024-2025 Fall Semester Engineering Management (MHY) Master's Program Interviews (International Students) 
Time: Jul 2, 2024 09:30 Istanbul

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 950 4030 6696
Passcode: 347536

Candidates must log into the Zoom session at least 5 minutes before the interview time slot.

IMPORTANT: A minimum of 2 reference letters must be uploaded to the system or hand-delivered during the interviews.

Engineering Management (MHY) Master's Program - Interview List

Tuesday, July 2, 2024
2.Jul Tuesday 09:30 10:00 229438 Ja***Ey***Sl***
2.Jul Tuesday 230305 Gh***Mo***Bo***Ei***
2.Jul Tuesday 234031 Ah***Aw***Mo***El***Ab***
2.Jul Tuesday 236036 As***Ba***Ta***Na***
2.Jul Tuesday
2.Jul Tuesday

MHY Master's Program Pre-conditions:

>> Those who have a bachelor's degree from engineering programs can apply.
>> ALES Numerical must be minimum 88.(old system GRE Quantitative must be 750, new system must be 159). 
>> Undergraduate GPA must be minimum 2.75/4 (70.83/100). 
>> Students who are accepted to the program must fulfill the conditions specified by the Program Executive Board.

İTÜ Faculty of Management


Our Missions :
is to conduct international scientific research that target sustainable development at the national and global levels while preserving our national honor, identity and welfare and also is to graduate engineers who show great respect to ethics, are creative and globally competitive.

Our Vision :
is to graduate leadeer engineers who will shape the future an the national and international levels and will be highly preferred by the respected institutions and organizations and also is to be one of the exceptional faculties that generates significant technological, social and economic impetus by knowledge produced by its members